I Know Life May Look a Little Different for you Now...


Dear mom,

First off...CONGRATS!! I know life may look a little different for you now, but I wanted to let you know that you don't have to let go of ANY of the dreams you had for your child prior to finding out about that tiny little extra chromosome. Please don't sweep those expectations and BIG dreams under a rug. Your child will do and accomplish more than you could ever imagine and will constantly be exceeding even your highest expectations!! So keep dreaming and imagining the possibilities for their future and they will continue reaching, achieving and dreaming of a life without limits. A life of fulfillment, joy, independence…a life full of opportunity!!!
"Never let it be said that to dream is a waste of one’s time, for dreams are our realities in waiting. In dreams, we plant the seeds of our future." - Unknown

Liz Plachta @rubysrainbow 
Co-Founder, Executive Director
Proud mama to Ruby